见证 Testimonials

见证 Testimonials

Lim Fei Hong

           June 2011 : 68 kg
            July 2011 : 63 kg
     September 2011 : 56 kg

         October 2011 : 54 kg 

October 2011 :
I lost another 2 kg...i am 54 kg now! Yeah!!!  v(^.^)v
Thank you, Fastine! Because of you, i've gained back my self-confidence, and i feel GREAT!!!
For those who haven't tried Fastine, what are you waiting for? ^^

September 2011 :

Hello everyone,

This is my latest weight loss result - 56 kg!!! I've lost 12 kgs after taking Fastine since June 2011! And still counting... ^^ 
Thank you so much, Fastine!!! ^^
For those who are taking Fastine, please drink lots of water, as advised (at least 4 liters), it really helps!!! ^^ 

July 2011 :

I am 27 years old, and a mother of 2 beautiful kids. After giving birth to my 2nd child, I was nearly 10kg overweight. I felt depressed, and didn't know what to do. Nearly 1 year of my life had been consumed with the struggle to lose the extra weight. 

Thanks to my sister, I was introduced to FASTINE – the most effective slimming product to me!!!  While I was taking FASTINE, I maintained a healthy diet and consumed at least 3 liters of water daily. To my surprise, I lost 5 kg in only a month!!! FASTINE has worked so well for me! Thank you, my dear sis, and thank you, FASTINE!!! ^^


感谢我的姐姐,向我推荐了FASTINE!我在服用FASTINE 期间,保持着健康的饮食习惯,还有每天喝上超过3公升的水。一个月后,FASTINE 在我身上发挥了神奇的效果!我的体重竟然减了5公斤!我的烦恼一扫而空!谢谢您,姐姐!谢谢FASTINE!^^


                        Before : 126 kg
          After 3 months : 118 kg

I seldom take my daily meals on time and I enjoyed supper very much. Fast food is my favorite and I love dessert too. I love burger, especially Ramli burger, I can handle 3 Ramli burgers for supper! My wife said I eat like the King Kong…well, I am a “big size” guy ^^

My wedding is getting closer and closer, and my lovely wifey has been working very hard to shed some kgs off. She has been trying Fastine for nearly 3 months, already lost 8 – 9 kg! To show my support and my love for her, I decided to change my eating habits. I seldom take supper now (wifey not allowing me to eat oily foods), and I cut down food intake of every meal. 

Thanks to her, I got a chance to try Fastine; and thanks to her for keep reminding me to drink more water! ^^ Now I can feel my pants starting to loosen a bit, and my bowel movement problem has also been improved! I will continue taking Fastine and work harder to transform myself to a better looking groom, and most importantly, a healthier guy! ^^
k you, my dear sis, and thank you, FASTINE!!! ^^


感谢我的姐姐,向我推荐了FASTINE!我在服用FASTINE 期间,保持着健康的饮食习惯,还有每天喝上超过3公升的水。一个月后,FASTINE 在我身上发挥了神奇的效果!我的体重竟然减了5公斤!我的烦恼一扫而空!谢谢您,姐姐!谢谢FASTINE!^^

Joey Chew

Before :

After : 58kg                       

I love food, and i enjoy eating every meal that i ordered. But with my wedding is getting closer, i had a hard time finding the right size of dresses and gowns for my big day! Most importantly, i wanna look perfect for my wedding! 

Thanks to my cousin, i was introduced to Fastine. In only 2 months, my weight dropped from 65 kg to 58 kg!!! And i look gorgeous in my pre-wedding photos!!!

Thank you, cousin...and thank you, Fastine! ^^ I am looking forward to seeing the even slimmer ME! ^^ 

Choo Yen Keng

            Before : 53kg

                                    After : 46kg

  Like all mothers, after gave birth to my son, I fell into the everyday routine of taking care of my baby and my family. I had no time for myself. I was so miserable. Every time I looked at the mirror, I just wished that I could get my figure back! Luckily, I was introduced to FASTINE by a good friend few months ago! Unbelievably, I lost 7 kg in only 2 months! Thanks to FASTINE, I finally able to put on my nice dresses that I bought before I was pregnant, again!


 Yudi Fong

            January 2012 : 65 kg            March 2012 : 58 kg                  May 2012 : 50 kg 
15 kg
 healthily in 3.5 months)

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